Prescription Prepayment Certificate

The Prescription Prepayment Certificate and the low-income scheme to help patients save money on their prescriptions. The campaign particularly targets people with […]

Wegovy on the NHS

Wegovy® (semaglutide injection) was launched in the UK from, Monday September 4 2023, as an additional option to support people […]

3 Reasons not to miss your appointment

Help other patients. – If you book an appointment but don’t attend, another patient will miss out!

MMR and Measles

Since the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1968 it is estimated that 20 million measles cases and 4,500 deaths […]

NHS Low Income Scheme

We wanted to ensure that you’re aware of the following support for local people on a low income via the […]

Childhood Nutrition – Food Scanner App

Families are up against a flood of unhealthy food options, so Better Health has updated the NHS Food Scanner App […]

Better Health – Adult Obesity

Over 1 in 4 of us has put on weight since the first lockdown in March 2020, according to recent […]

Time off work due to sickness

Recent changes have been made to allow you to self certify for the first 7 days of any illness (previously […]

Plan B Measures

On the 8th of December the Prime Minister confirmed that England will move to ‘Plan B’ following the rapid spread […]

Booster Vaccine Information

An NHS spokesperson said: “The NHS is having to work at extreme pace to respond to this new variant and […]